Space 4 Action is asking all workplaces on the Isle of Man to sign up to the following 10 Point Charter:
Our company acknowledges that Domestic Abuse is everyone’s business and requires a community response.
We understand that Domestic Abuse impacts on all of us as a society, and we are prepared to play our part in challenging and supporting anyone affected.
We pledge to prioritise safety and support and that we will become a C.O.P.E. Employer, maintaining a violence free workplace and promoting Domestic Abuse awareness.
C.O.P.E: Caring Offering Protection Education.
As a C.O.P.E. Employer, the Company pledges to:
- Never condone, excuse or stay silent about Domestic Abuse and to make it clear that abuse of any kind in our workplace will not be tolerated.
- Challenge myths and stereotypes about Domestic Abuse.
- Refrain from victim blaming language and challenge it wherever we see it.
- Ensure our employees across our organisation are trained to recognise and understand abuse and its impacts and to have the confidence and knowledge to “Ask and Act”. (Trained employees to be representative of the workforce, including line managers.)
- Encourage employees to train as Space 4 Action “Domestic Abuse Champions” within the workplace to serve as a point of contact and peer support for all employees affected by abuse.
- Provide a Safe Place for anyone affected by Domestic Abuse to confidentially access information and support, and to be signposted to appropriate sources of help and advice in a safe and confidential manner.
- Create a workplace Domestic Abuse Policy where Domestic Abuse Training is prioritised though ongoing Personal Development and provide training for new employees.
- Ensure that no employee is treated unfairly due to Domestic Abuse, or disadvantaged under their terms and conditions of employment. Take all reasonable measures to accommodate and facilitate their additional needs in the workplace.
- Commit to helping raise awareness in the wider community through modelling best practice and engaging with other organisations to facilitate best practice.
- Commit to sharing our knowledge on best practice response to employees affected by domestic abuse with Space 4 Action and the network of C.O.P.E. Employers to facilitate further learning, development and understanding.
Charter created April 2020
Space 4 Action Ltd. Isle of Man Company Number: 133212C
Directors: J Welch and T Wedgwood