Committed and dedicated to helping end domestic abuse on the Isle of Man.

To champion the needs of people affected by abuse.
Our Vision
An Island community that will “Ask and Act” about domestic abuse and where victims know they are safe and supported; an Island where survivors feel heard.
Our Mission
Space4Action (S4A) is committed and dedicated to helping end domestic abuse. S4A believes that by equipping our community to have the confidence and understanding to “Ask and Act”; the support offered will empower victims by demonstrating that they have choices - thereby increasing their Space for Action.
Such empowerment can only occur when underpinned by respect, education and empathy.
We believe abuse is everybody’s business.
When individuals act together to form a supportive community, social change can occur.
We will be committed to being guided by up to date relevant and appropriate research, actively integrating the best available research with survivor experiences, community input and professional expertise.
Challenging ourselves individually and organisationally to look past constraint – we commit to pushing the boundaries of not just what is doable, but what is possible.
"We know that communities are often the first to know about abuse, and that they can act as gate openers or gate closers in terms of help seeking."
Finding the Costs of Freedom Report 2014
Natalie Collins
Gender Justice Specialist and Author
"I love Space4Action!"
“They are a wonderful organisation who are working for change, empowering the community to support people who have been subjected to abuse.
Run by those with expertise, knowledge and their own personal journeys, their work is inspiring and provides hope to those who are struggling.
By raising awareness about domestic abuse and coercive control, they work tirelessly to bring about change across the Isle of Man.
Their work includes deep understanding about the cultures and communities on the island and seeks to be inclusive and supportive of all. Thank goodness Space4Action exists!”
Chris Killen
Retired Manager of Northumberland Women's Refuge
"I just wanted to congratulate you all for what you are doing".
“Space4Action are doing an amazing job.
Preventing and stopping domestic abuse is extremely important. We all need to campaign to continue awareness and obtain the level of funding I just wanted to congratulate you all for what you are doing.needed to support every person who has been subject to domestic abuse.
Once again many congratulations for the work you are doing.”
Coercive control is best understood by considering not necessarily what is done to you, but what is taken away.
Luke and Ryan Hart
Nobody can make another person abusive. And any messages, whether these are within the media, from abusive men, or within our own minds, which blame the victimised for the abuse they are subjected to must be challenged.
Natalie Collins
For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
Nelson Mandela
Reframing domestic violence as coercive control changes everything about how we respond to partner abuse… guided by our opposition to subjugation of any kind…. The reasoning is that persons should be treated as having innate dignity whose individual sovereignty deserves our fullest support.