Encouragement and Affirmation During Covid-19

We all need hope and encouragement during these dark times. We hope that some of these quotes and videos will help remind us all, wherever we are and however isolated we feel, that hope survives, that there are people who understand, and we are not alone. 1:3 women, 1:5 men – we are in this together. Remember the Isle of Man Motto (slightly amended): “Whichever way you throw us, we will stand.” The number of survivors from abusive relationships grows every day. You can be a part of that growing number. You’re not alone in your suffering; you will not be alone in your success.


“You are a survivor, equipped with the knowledge, strength and tools that help keep you and your family safe every day” – from SafeLives UK, safety guidance

“You are not the darkness you endured. You are the light that refused to surrender.” – John Mark Green

“Trauma may happen to you, but it can never define you.” Melinda Longtin

“I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”Brené Brown

 “After a while I looked in the mirror and realized…wow, after all those hurts, scars, and bruises, after all of those trials, I really made it through. I did it. I survived that which was supposed to kill me. So I straightened my crown…and walked away like a boss.” – Anon

“You can recognize survivors of abuse by their courage. When silence is so very inviting, they step forward and share their truth so others know they aren’t alone.”  – Jeanne McElvaney

“Please know that you can get out and it will not always be an easy road, and it will be lonely at times. But it only gets better, life is too beautiful to live it trapped and abused and hiding under the shame of it all.”  – Christine E Murray, Overcoming the Stigma of Intimate Partner Abuse


 276 people sing “You’ve Got a Friend” in support of Women’s Aid UK: